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Photo editing in Photoscape

Photo editing in Photoscape

Photoscape is a free, fun and easy photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos.  Download it HERE.
In the HELP section there are Youtube tutorial videos that takes you through every effect this program has.
This tutorial will show you how easy it is to edit a photo in Photoscape and just for the fun I am going to apply some of it’s Filters to create a different tone/mood on the photo and how easy it is:
1.  Open Photoscape. 
  • You will see this screen:
2.  Click on: Editor
  • This screen will open and on the left, top you will see all your file folders.  Go to the folder where the photo you want to edit is, and click on it:
  • Now we need to resize the photo first. 
3.  Click on: Resize – type in the size you want. 
  • I always resize my photo’s to: 1200 x 900 pixels
  • In this bar you will now see that your photo has been resized:
  • Now to do some editing:
4.  Click on the little arrow next to: Auto Level
  • Depending on the kind of photo you have and the brightness, you can choose any of the three levels.
5.  Choose any one and see what effect it has on your photo. 
  • If you do not like the effect, just click on: Undo and try the next one.
  • I chose: High
  • This is what my photo looks like now:
6.  Click on: Auto Contrast – Choose a level of your choice.  I chose: High.

  • This is the result:
  • Now to give it some more light.
7.  Click on the little arrow next to: Backlight – Choose any of the levels. 
  • I normally choose: (+/-) 50% (Default).
  • This is what my photo looks like now:
  • As you can see there is a difference between the Original and the Edited photo so far:
  • Now we are going to use some Filter – Film effects:
8.  Click on the little arrow next to: Filter
  • On the left you will see all the different types of Film Effects you can choose from.
  • Because I mostly use my photo’s to add quotes to it, I prefer my photo to look a bit darker so that the text will stand out more.
An alternative is to just click on: Film Effect, which will bring up all the Film Effect types and you can then scroll through them:
9.  I chose: Cross Process – High.
  • This is the result:
  • At this stage you can either leave your photo the way it is or play around some more.
10.  I decided I want to add another filter:  Filter – Antique Photo – 07

  • The result:
  • Now I am satisfied with the result I have and now I want to add some text to it, as well as my watermark/logo:
11.  Click on: Object and then on the “T” button:
12.  First I added my blog’s url address on the photo:
13.  Now to add the quote and this is where the fun starts and it can take quite a while.
  • I googled ‘Desire” and the first quote I found on Brainy Quote seemed fitting:  “A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.  ~Ayn Rand”
14.  Then I decided to use different fonts on some of the text and started with the ‘A’:
15.  I then typed in part of the quote and used another font and these settings:
  • What I do is to decide which text I want in a diffent font/colour and I would then type it separately from the other text and change it until I like the result.
  • Now to add a border/frame:
16.  Click on: Home – then click on the little arrow next to: No Frame
  • All the different types of frames will open up in the slider:
17.  Choose one that you like.  I chose: Curl Border 05
  • Next to ‘Photo + Frame’ you will see a little slider:
18.  Here you can change the size of your border.  I changed mine to: 200%
19.  Now you can save your project by clicking on: Save
20.  You can choose ‘Save as’ with the following settings or ‘Save in the designated folder’ – Your choice:
  • The end result:
Now for something extra:
For those who would like to add the EXIF data on their photo’s in Photoscape.
  • When you use the Text option in Photoscape, you will see the EXIF button on the right hand side when you open the Text option:
  • When you click on it, you can see the different options available:
  • If you click on one of the options, eg. Shutter speed, 1/250s and so on, it will format the text like this:
[S] : Shutter Speed
[F] : Aperture
[EV] : Exposure Bias
[I] : ISO value
[FL] : Focal Length
[MODEL] : Model of your camera and much more like the Date formula, etc.


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